Harvey Model Harvey Model Original price was: $226.Current price is: $192. Tax included
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Brayn dining table set in white and 4 chairs in black legs Original price was: $636.Current price is: $540. Tax included
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At any time and in any season, we offer you offers that make your shopping experience always special. With our ongoing offers, you can enjoy savings for a long time. No need to wait, start shopping now and take advantage of the great offers. You can shop our products and have them shipped outside Türkiye. Please contact us after ordering

Wooden dining table with metal legs Brayn model



Original price was: $141.Current price is: $120. Tax included

Product care

Product care:

1. quality assurance:

We are committed to providing high quality products. If you encounter any quality problem, please contact us as soon as possible.

2. Instructions for use:

Please read and follow the instructions for use included with the product carefully. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team.

3. Early notification of defects:

If you receive a defective product, please report it within 1 day from the date of receipt to facilitate the exchange or refund process.

4. Product maintenance:

To optimize product life and performance, please follow the instructions provided included in the product catalog.

6. Customer service:

Our customer service team is available to answer all your inquiries and provide assistance. Please contact us via Click here.

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Product Description

مزايا طاولة الطعام:

  1. تصميم فريد: تتوفر طاولات الطعام بتصاميم متعددة تتراوح من التقليدية إلى الحديثة، مما يسمح لك باختيار النمط الذي يناسب ذوقك الشخصي وديكور منزلك.
  2. High quality materials: تصنع طاولات الطعام من مواد متنوعة مثل الخشب الصلب، والزجاج المقوى، والمعدن المقاوم للصدأ، مما يضمن المتانة والاستدامة.
  3. Versatile: بالإضافة إلى تناول الوجبات، يمكن استخدام طاولة الطعام كمكتب عمل منزلي أو مكان للأنشطة الإبداعية.
  4. قابلة للتمديد: تأتي بعض طاولات الطعام بخاصية التمديد، مما يسمح بزيادة حجم السطح لاستيعاب عدد أكبر من الضيوف.
  5. Easy maintenance: معظم الخيارات تأتي بأسطح سهلة التنظيف والعناية، مما يوفر لك الوقت والجهد في الصيانة.
  6. تنوع الألوان والأشكال: تتوفر طاولات الطعام بمجموعة متنوعة من الألوان والأشكال، مما يسمح بتنسيقها مع باقي أثاث المنزل بسهولة.
  7. مكملة للديكور: تعزز طاولة الطعام من جمال وأناقة الغرفة وتمنحها لمسة من التميز الديكوري.
  8. durability: اختر طاولة مصنوعة من مواد عالية الجودة لتضمن المتانة والاستدامة على المدى الطويل.


Product sizes:

  • Product Show: 139 right.
  • Product height: 76 right.
  • Product depth: 80 right.


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Delivery information :

One of our priorities is to ensure your request safely, the product is wrapped with a special cover to ensure its arrival without damage. When you receive your package from the shipping company, it must be intact and packaged. Please check for a problem. If your package arrives in a damaged condition, please take a damage report from the shipping company and inform our company officials immediately..

Installation information:

  • The product contains a complete diagram for easy installation.
  • To install the products correctly, there are numbers on the product parts and the installation method is described in detail.
  • Our products are easy to install and do not require an expert, so they can be easily disassembled and reassembled using simple tools.
  • An accessory pack is included for proper and easy installation of the product.

After-sales services:

You can contact our customer service representatives for any damage that may occur during transportation via the Order Return Policy page form at the bottom of the site's home page. Broken parts and others will be produced within several working days and sent to you free of charge.

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